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WP1: Analysis of Higher Education Health sector in Libya


The WP1 aims to analyse the teaching systems currently adopted in Libyan and European Universities, with their relative strengths and weaknesses.

To evaluate the actual level of training of the postgraduate medical trainees and to point out the strengths and weaknesses of the actual system of training, the level of preparation of the trainees has been tested by an external independent scientific body. It has been selected among the most authoritative at European level.

The construction of a curricular project constitutes a complex process of negotiation which will finally determine the quality of professional preparation of the trainees involved. For this reason, “ad hoc” questionnaires for the survey of user’s needs have been created. Plus, they allowed the collection of information on the vision and needs of the different actors (academic staff, teachers, students, professional associations, education and health authorities).


1.1 Update of health management activities in Libya

Libyan Higher Education Institutions (LY HEI) had the task of designing a questionnaire to be virtually distributed to all existing facilities entitled to deliver medical care in their country, aiming to collect reliable data in terms:

1) To quantify in some way the workload of the related disciplines centres in LY.

2) To have a possibly exact picture of the manpower situation in LY now and in the next years (stratification of the staff by age needed for this purpose).

3) To have a detailed list of the facilities available.

1.2 Census for Health management centres

Preliminary to this exercise will be the collection of contacts from all Medical Centres in Libya to whom send the virtual scheme for the census. Following the collection of data, an analysis of these data has been carried out in a cumulative form, to guarantee their privacy. Thanks to the acquired results, it was possible to ground on solid basis the forecast about future needs of medical staff to be trained.

WP2: Curricular design in Health Management


The WP2 aims to design a detailed curriculum based on an accurate selection of contents and practices to be adopted and implemented by the Postgraduate Training Schools (PGTS) in Health Management. The design of the new curricula is carried forward on the basis of WP1 results.

The new curricula will be organized in a modular way, in order to simplify their adoption and adaptation to the specific needs of LY. The basic template of the curriculum will be composed by the same modules for all LY Universities. Then, a deeper analysis will coordinate the specific strategies of each University involved.


2.1 Drafting of a curriculum for the postgraduate training in Health Management.

2.2 Accreditation procedure for the new integrated courses.

WP3: Managing health in crisis contexts


In Libya, the production of human resources for health is the prime responsibility of the Ministry of Education. Ministry of Health also plays a role in the production of certain cadres but there is a clear disconnection between the two institutions. Moreover, there is a clear fragmentation in the actors’ performing health activities in the country: different studies recognized the need to harmonize the actions of the different stakeholders on the ground. Finally, we consider the participatory approach of external stakeholders to the project as beneficial in terms of suggestions, comments and added value to the new curricula.


3.1 Mapping and involving relevant stakeholders in a high level multi sector committee serving as advisory board for the benefit of the Libyan Higher education institutions.

3.2 Collecting inspiring practices from EU and MENA region regarding health management in crisis contexts by searching for multidisciplinary approaches to

the topic and by looking at the transferability of other actions for the Libyan case.

3.3 Establishing and running a high level multi sector committee composed by external stakeholders: international organisation representatives working in Libya in the Health sector, public authorities, EU experts in the field of health as well as political sciences, social sciences, EU institutions representatives, i.e., EU delegations in Libya.

3.4 Defining a Strategic Agenda for managing health in crisis contexts: “The Libyan scenario”.

At the Mid-Term Project Partner Meeting in Plzen (10-11 October 2022), activities were delayed due to difficulties in mapping stakeholders and defining certain concepts. Consequently, the need to re-conceptualise them based on the Libyan context became apparent. For this reason, at the following Partner Meeting in Tripoli (30 April 2023), the Consortium decided to reformulate the objectives of WP3, while maintaining its original goals, i.e., collecting inspiring practices from EU and MENA region regarding health management in crisis contexts, searching for multidisciplinary approaches to the topic and examining the transferability of these actions to the Libyan case.

New tasks

New D.3.1 Strategic Agenda for improving Healthcare system at local level

New D.3.2 Mapping of local stakeholders in charge of the 6 Libyan HEIs

New D.3.3 Training of local stakeholders in charge of the 6 Libyan HEIs

WP4: Training of academic staff involved in the new curricula in Health Management


The aim of WP4 is to organize Local training for Libyan Staff, Study visit for Libyan Staff and Introduction of ICT technologies as a tool for interactive education, e-Learning, Continuing Education, Online Training and Virtual Mobility with the purpose to have a group of teachers well exposed and trained in new teaching skills, with all Universities involved in the project linked in a virtual network, sharing not only the same hardware and software, – both for educational and administrative purposes -, but particularly the same attitude and style towards the training of young professionals in health management.

Training courses is mainly based on long-distance teaching via teleconference performed in the second year of the project, preceded by a practical stage in EU countries. Teleconferences will also be organized in the middle of the third year to create a further opportunity of interaction. Two are the main training cornerstones: the focus on the pedagogic and didactic aspects and on the perspective over the contents. The first part of the training includes the incorporation of innovations for the perspective over the contents, which is focused on the development of professional competences defined on the baseline. Starting from the most consolidated international experiences, new teaching techniques are introduced and evaluated in the different contexts. In particular, it is emphasised the use of IT in the teaching process.

SAHA partners expect to have a group of teachers well exposed and trained in new teaching skills, with all Universities involved in the project linked in a virtual network. The aim is not only to share the same hardware and software – both for educational and administrative purposes – but also the same attitude and style towards the training of young professionals in health management.

Partners have already been trained on one occasion, in the Training Week in Granada from 16 to 21 May 2022 (Open PDF) in order to have input on the skills, knowledge and methods needed. The training was addressed to Libyan colleagues who have been nominated by their respective universities to participate in WP4 activities as future teachers of the courses built through the SAHA Project. A second Training Week will take place in Pavia from 19 to 24 September.

A Study Visit has already taken place in Pavia from 12 to 14 May 2022 (Open PDF) related to the presentation of UniPv digital library system.


4.1 Local training for Libyan Staff.

4.2 Study visit for Libyan Staff.

4.3 Introduction of ICT technologies as a tool for interactive education, e-Learning, Continuing Education, Online Training and Virtual Mobility.

WP5: Trial implementation of the new Health Management integrated curricula and related centres – Constitution of Data Centres in Medical facilities


The WP5 aims to test on practical grounds the practicability of the new designed curricula, in order to set their design, make the changes needed for the full implementation of the new curricula.

Planned activities regarding the trial implementation are:

Management of the approval of the trial by legal authorities.

Selection and designation of the teachers.

Pre-enrolment and admission procedures for the new trainees.


5.1 Trial implementation of the first year of the new curricula

5.2 Monitoring activities of new curricula

WP6: Quality Control


The WP6 aims to evaluate how the SAHA Project developed its processes and reached its results in accordance with the predetermined standards and goals settled in the Quality Assurance Plan. The QA Plan shows the methodology and evaluation tools of the SAHA project activities.


6.1 Establishment of predetermined quality indicators and standards for:

European standard of Postgraduate training in healthcare management.

Training for tutors teaching in postgraduate training curricula.

Academic materials for distance learning.

Trial implementation of the first year of postgraduate training.

Processes of the project management.

6.2 Designation of quality instruments, such as templates, questionnaires and protocols, with the aim of assessing the expected results and identifying strengths and weaknesses for specific activities (workshops, internships, training).

6.3 Monitoring, assessment and control of the predetermined and defined indicators, standards and goals.

6.4 Elaboration of the project quality assurance reports.

6.5 Evaluation of training process by an external institution.

WP7: Dissemination and Exploitation


The WP7 main objective is to foster the transfer of the upgrading processes implemented for health management to other medical specialties in Libya.

To reach this goal the dissemination activities and visibility in the social media were considered from the first stages of the project, sharing experiences, lessons learned, outcomes and findings. This was true not only among Libyan partners, but particularly beyond them with the aim to enable a wider community to be aware of the necessity of a modern postgraduate training and to benefit from the project activities and results.

Dissemination activities are the key to facilitate the execution of the scheduled activities, the commitment of the involved actors and the replicability and sustainability of the project, which are mandatory for the accomplishment of its general objectives.

The planned activities include materials (project brochures, training course leaflets, posters, informative video demo, and scientific papers authored and co-authored by partners) that partners distribute on a wide scale  targeting HEIs, university managers, researchers and faculty  members, stakeholders and policy makers at a national level.


7.1 Identification of dissemination groups and elaboration of a Dissemination Plan.

7.2 Creation of a project website as platform of collaboration and dissemination.  

7.3 Maintenance and administration of the website. 

7.4 Elaboration of 3 virtual bulletins and distribution among the target groups. 

7.5 Organization of meetings for the dissemination of the project among the HEIs of the country, the professional associations of each country, the Ministries of Health and Education, and representatives of regional and international agencies.  

7.6 Social media coverage to increase visibility: press interviews, press releases, elaboration, and publication of different articles in printed media.  

7.7 Final Conference: “New paradigm in training professionals on healthcare management”.

Three types of dissemination are identified for the project:

  • Dissemination for awareness on the project aims to ensure the project outcomes’ visibility during and beyond the end of the Project.

  • Dissemination for engagement into the project aims to involve other institutions and credential evaluators to join offices and bodies.

  • Dissemination for sustainability of the project aims to ensure continuous promotion / support of the consortium and its activities / services.

WP8: Management


The aim of the WP8 is to monitor that the project met its entire objectives and products on time, on budget, and with quality results. Based on the principle of binding decision provisions and agreements upon all partners, the project management approach grants transparency and commitment to all the engaged partners and thus facilitates an unobstructed and successful project evolution as planned. Any deviation in the progress of activities, costs, financing, and fulfilment of contractual obligations will be monitored and controlled. A contingency plan has been elaborated for the effective and timely application of any corrective action.


8.1. Formalisation of network and agreements among the participating HEIs.

8.2. Planning and development of meetings for the administration of the project.

8.3. Designing and administration of the organisational and communication structures (internal and external).

8.4. Provision of templates for the associates to prepare the reports.

8.5. Collection and storage of data for the monitoring of the project and the elaboration of reports and budgets.

8.6. Periodic actualization of the plan and monitoring of the fulfilment of the working schedule.

8.7. Monitoring, assessment and control of any deviation in the progress of the project.

8.8. Elaboration of mid-term and final evaluation reports.

8.9. Control of the use of resources and budgetary Execution.

8.10. Monitoring of the compliance of the grant agreement.