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Preparation Meeting in Tripoli ( 14 July 2021)

The main objective of Partner Meeting was to conclude WP1, l’approvazione del questionario relativo al corso di studi relativo al WP2 e infine il WP3.
The issues analyzed during the WP1 double presentation were: Medical Facilities, University’s Teaching System in the Field of Health Management, Training Programs and Needs and Equipments. The results of the analysis through questionnaires were collected in a single document. After the presentation, a roundtable among the online and in-presence participants started based on these main points: where to place the new SAHA curriculum/ SAHA courses within the various partner institutions and where to locate and how to establish and to structure the Data Centers. For what concerns WP2, the questionnaire was approuved by all Partners. In the end the discussion related to WP3 focused on the pillar of Policy Dialogue.

Partner Meeting Tripoli ( 14 July 2021) (Open PDF)

Partner Meeting in Sirte ( 23-24 March 2022)

The Saha Partner Meeting in Sirte dealt with only WP2,WP3 and WP4. The Issues analysed were the following: for what concerns WP2 New and updated curricula for the postgraduate trainings in Health Management and Planning and commitment for the accreditation procedure for the new and updated curricula. Regarding WP4, 1st staff training week in Granada (13-21 May 2022), activities (training) online (June-December 2022), 2nd staff training week in Pavia (12-18 September 2022), validation of nominations for WP4 training weeks and finally implementation of the data centres and equipment, equipments priorities and purchasing plan. In the end a WP3 roundtable was organised, by the leader of the WP, to highlight the need for a clear plan of action.

Partner Meeting Sirte ( 23-24 March 2022) (Open PDF)

Partner Meeting in Pavia ( 12-14 May 2022)

The main objective of this mid-term Partner Meeting was to go further with the accreditation process of the SAHA courses in the new or updated masters in Libyan universities (WP2), the discussion related to the creation and implementation of the Data Centers (WP5), and the discussion related to the creation of a stakeholders committee for the policy dialogue (WP3). However, the meeting touched all the main issues related to all the WPs.

Partner Meeting Pavia ( 12-14 May 2022) (Open PDF)

Study Visit in Pavia ( 13-14 May 2022)

The training was organized in the framework of WP4: Training of academic staff involved in the new curricula in Health Management. The training was addressed to Libyan colleagues who have been nominated by their respective universities to participate in WP4 activities as future teachers of the courses built through the SAHA project. The main aims of the training session have been to present the system of acquisition of electronic resources in place at the University of Pavia, to introduce academic resources such as databases, link ups, Proxybibs from business and medical areas and describe their potential and to show how they work. 

Thanks to his strong commitment, the SAHA Project Coordinator, Prof. Antonio M. Morone, was able to obtain the free access to all the digital academic resources of the University of Pavia for the Libyan partners. Each participant of the training got her / his personal credentials to access, until the end of the project, the resources of the University of Pavia. The strong point of the training was to illustrate not only how digital academic resources work, but also the system of acquisition of electronic resources in place at the University of Pavia and in the Italian national territory, in a way that would stimulate a possible purchase within Libyan institutions as well, taking into consideration that Libyan market will be a new market for these kinds of resources.

Training Session Pavia (13-14 May 2022) (Open PDF)

Training Week in Granada (16-21 May 2022)

The main aims of the training session have been to present an introduction of Healthcare Management within the Andalusian Public Health Service, current important Public Health Issues, Economics and Health Management, and other issues related to SAHA Project interests, such as Data Registries at Granada and Andalucia Hospitals-Primary Health Care, and the virtual training tool OpenSwad, were well exposed by experts in clinical and academic related fields, and trained in new teaching skills, with all Libyan Universities involved in the visit to the University of Granada, Spain. The e-library of University of Granada was also added to the programme within a hand on practice workshop. Finally, a cultural conference about The Alhambra Palace of Granada was presented to the auditorium.

Training Week Granada (16-21 May 2022) (Open PDF)

Training Week in Pavia (19-23 September 2022)

During these training days in Italy, professors and researchers from the Libyan universities that make up the consortium (University of Tripoli, University of Misurata, University of Sebha, University of Sirte, University of Zawia and the International Medical University of Libya – LIMU) participated in and develop a programme that combines theoretical and practical sessions, with the addition of external visits to the University of Pavia. The main topics were health technology assessment, health quality and different case studies on health management in different sectors. Furthermore, a visit to the Emergency Room of the Policlinico San Matteo in Pavia has been organised to show the Pavia field of study and work as well as a visit to the hospital Data Centres. The second one was very important to show the Libyan partners an example of the structure and functioning of what is to be created in Libya at their facilities.

Training Week Pavia (19-23 September 2022) (Open PDF)

Saha Mid-Term Partner Meeting in Pilsen (10-11 October 2022)

The Saha Partner Meeting in Plzen deals with only a few of the project’s WPs, i.e. the most discussed and sensitive points. The issues discussed during the meeting are the following: WP2, the accreditation and approval of the report and final updates on the kick-off of the teaching activities; WP4, the assessment of the mid-term needs following one teaching semester, a planning for the online training and a planning for the final training week and Data Centres, the approval of the Data Centres Plan, the approval of the typology of data collection and equipments and tender: agreement on the procedure; WP3, presentation of the framework for a syllabus in Crisis Management and Policy Dialogue; WP8, mid-term report, staff-costs and timesheets, payment procedures and tender procedure.

Mid-Term Partner Meeting Plzen (10-11 October 2022) (Open-PDF)

Saha Partner Meeting in Tripoli (30 Aprile 2023)

The partner meeting in Tripoli was the third occasion for all partners, both Libyan and European, to meet each other in person. The main objectives of this meeting were related mainly to the Trial process of the SAHA courses in the new or updated masters in Libyan universities (WP5) in order to discuss if there are any specific needs from the Libyan universities related to SAHA courses; the Data Centers (WP5) in order to finalize a decision on the development of the Data Centers; the Policy Dialogue (WP3) in order to discuss the need to improve WP3 deliverables and present the framework for a syllabus in Crisis Management and Policy Dialogue; the Management (WP8) in order to discuss the payment of staff-costs.

Partner Meeting Tripoli (30 aprile 2023) (Open-PDF)

Saha Project Final Conference in Benghazi (LIMU, 29-30 April 2024)

The SAHA Project Final Conference was held on 28-29 April 2024 in Benghazi, Libya, hosted by the Libyan International Medical University (LIMU). The Final Conference of the SAHA Project, the closing event for the dissemination of the consortium’s achievements, was attended by delegations from all Libyan and European partner universities, in presence and online, and by Libyan and international institutional figures. The aim of the Final Conference was to make the results of the SAHA Project known to a wider audience, consisting of students and faculty members of LIMU’s Master’s in Healthcare Management and Libyan and international institutional figures, as well as to allow the consortium to discuss reporting and staff costs. Furthermore, a further aim of the Final Conference was the signing of the Sustainability Plan, by which the six Libyan HEIs committed to collaborate with each other and with European universities beyond the end of the project to ensure the sustainability of its results.

Field Visit in Zawya (11 July 2021)

The aims of the Field Visit were to ensure institutional sustainability to the project during and after its implementation, to preliminary validate the WP1’s survey results, to discuss the location of establishing the center also and the equipment that the center needs in the future.

Field Visit in Tripoli (16 July 2021)

The aims of the Field Visit were to ensure institutional sustainability to the project during and after its implementation, to preliminary validate the WP1’s survey results, to discuss the location of establishing the center also and the equipment that the center needs in the future.

Field Visit in Misurata (21 and 24 March 2022)

The aims of the Field Visit were to ensure institutional sustainability to the project during and after its implementation, to preliminary validate the WP1’s survey results, to discuss the location of establishing the center also and the equipment that the center needs in the future.

Field Visit in Sirte (22 March 2022)

The aims of the Field Visit were to ensure institutional sustainability to the project during and after its implementation, to preliminary validate the WP1’s survey results, to discuss the location of establishing the center also and the equipment that the center needs in the future.

Field Visit in Misurata (21 April 2024)

The aim of the field visit was to assess the degree of satisfaction of the teaching staff and students of the Masters in Healthcare Management of the 6 Libyan HEIs and some employees of the International Office at Misurata University.

Field Visit in Tripoli (22 April 2024)

The aim of the field visit was to assess the degree of satisfaction of the teaching staff and students of the Masters in Healthcare Management of the 6 Libyan HEIs and some employees of the International Office at the University of Tripoli.

Field Visit in Sebha (23 April 2024)

The aim of the field visit was to assess the degree of satisfaction of the teaching staff and students of the Masters in Healthcare Management of the 6 Libyan HEIs and some employees of the International Office at Sebha University.

Online Visit in Zawya (25 April 2024)

The aim of the online visit was to assess the degree of satisfaction of the teaching staff and students of the Masters in Healthcare Management of the 6 Libyan HEIs and some employees of the International Office at Zawya University.

Field Visit in Benghazi (27 April 2024)

The aim of the field visit was to assess the degree of satisfaction of the teaching staff and students of the Masters in Healthcare Management of the 6 Libyan HEIs and some employees of the International Office at the Libyan International Medical University (LIMU).

Online Visit in Sirte (9 May 2024)

The aim of the online visit was to assess the degree of satisfaction of the teaching staff and students of the Masters in Healthcare Management of the 6 Libyan HEIs and some employees of the International Office at Sirte University.